The Publisher Library provides a shared space where Journal Managers and Editors can upload documents to be accessed by other users. These documents will be visible in a user’s Document Library within their manuscript’s Submission Library.
In this guide, we will provide a step-by-step overview of the key components of publisher library settings in OJS and offer tips and best practices for managing them effectively. Whether you’re new to OJS or an experienced user, this guide will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of how to configure publisher library settings in OJS and optimize your journal’s workflow.
If you would like to learn more about other sections of the OJS Workflow, you can check out our other guides and tutorials:
However, for the purpose of this article, we will focus solely on the Publisher Library Setting section of the OJS Workflow Settings.
Publisher Library Settings in OJS #
The Publisher Library is a place where Journal Managers and Editors can upload documents to be shared with other users. These documents will be visible in a user’s Document Library in their manuscript’s Submission Library.
Additionally, you can upload a file that can be accessed publicly via a URL, which can be linked to from different parts of your website. This can include items such as author guidelines, submission checklists, or static pages or more. To streamline your journal’s workflow, consider uploading forms such as the galley approval form and supplemental material cover page in this area.
To upload a file to the Publisher Library box, simply click on the ‘Add a file’ button located in the top-right corner of the interface.
Name: Enter the title of the document as you want it to appear to users.
Type: Select a category that best describes the document from the available options: Marketing, Permission, Reports, or Other.
Public Access: Check this box if you want to allow users to download the file using.
Remember to click the ‘Save’ button, to save your library changes, which can be used for your journal as needed.
In conclusion, optimizing your publisher library settings in OJS is crucial to ensuring a streamlined and efficient workflow for your journal. By following the step-by-step guide and best practices outlined in this post, you can customize your access, publication formats, digital preservation, and license settings according to your specific needs. With a well-configured publisher library, you can provide a better experience for your readers, authors, and editors while ensuring the long-term preservation and accessibility of your content. We hope this guide has been helpful in providing you with the necessary knowledge to configure your publisher library settings in OJS effectively.
Please note that the information presented in this blog post is based on our current understanding of Open Journal Systems (OJS) as of the knowledge and has taken reference from PKP DOCS. As OJS is a constantly evolving platform, its features and functionalities may have changed since the publication of this post. Additionally, any recommendations or suggestions provided in this post are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice. We disclaim any liability arising from your use or reliance on the information provided in this post. If you need any help with OJS, please feel free to contact our team.
If you need any help and support with OJS or journal services, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is always ready to assist you.
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